As I write this blog, America is waiting to see who will be president from 2021-2024. I, meanwhile, feel like I have spent the last 4 months and some change just waiting. For what? I honestly have no idea. But there is a sense of "when will this be over?" associated with cancer. It just weighs in the back (or front) of a person's mind.
Yesterday was my birthday. Birthdays feel different after a cancer diagnosis. Last year I turned 40 (hence the mammogram) and I vaguely remember feeling very blah about that age. This year I just feel grateful for another trip around the sun. I received a message from a childhood friend saying she had shared my blog with a friend who was going through her own cancer battle. Maybe this is the purpose of my 41st year - to bring awareness and hope to others. Because truly, we just never know what will happen next.
Anyway - a health update:
Good news first -
I’ve lost 8 lbs total so far and my blood pressure was finally in the 120s today for the first time since June. I have had AMAZING blood pressure my entire life until this all started. I don't know what happens to me when I walk into the cancer and infusion center but I can actually feel my blood move faster. So, that 124/78 today? I will TAKE IT! I also had my 3 month blood work - everything looks fantastic. Mentally, things have leveled out. No more scary thoughts and most of the side effects that I was experiencing seem to be leveling out.
Meh news - I have a minor skin infection on my right breast - not uncommon for post radiation, especially for people that are active. This, apparently, is why they tell you not to shave or use deodorant for awhile post radiation. Here's hoping an over the counter topical cream clears this up. I’ve also had some joint pain from the Tamoxifen - and honestly some of it is from my musician's wrists too. It’s manageable but annoying. Dr. Soltani prescribed a topical cream to help (usually used for old people but here we are...)
Not so good news. I have a fair amount of scar tissue because of the cancer location and now a small amount of fluid build up. None of this is majorly concerning yet - but it’s not ideal. I’ve had a good bit of discomfort on my right side the last two or three weeks. I attributed it to muscles and nerves healing (and that's some of it) but the fluid isn't helping. Dr. Soltani showed me a few PT exercises that should help loosen things up and help my body absorb the fluid faster. I did my first round of those tonight and let's just say that I have less mobility in my right arm that I realized. We are going to try the PT and some mild heat compresses and if not better in 1 month then we may have to look at next steps.
Finally - I know that we ALL are experiencing COVID fatigue - but let me just say that COVID plus cancer is weighing on me. I can't imagine dealing with chemo right now - bless those that are. I look forward to being able to hug my friends again. Wear a mask, everyone.